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Version 1.69

New Features 

Dispatch App: 

  • A new screen titled “Hazard reports” will list all FLRA hazards. DETAILED  BELOW 

Customer App: 

  • When drivers indicate a hazard on their FLRA, a push notification will be  sent within the order chat channel. DETAILED BELOW 
  • When a dispatcher sends an order request to Command, customers will  receive a “[Dispatcher Name] is working on your order” notification. 

Driver App: 

  • FLRA dialogs now include a Covid Reminder to warn drivers of the continu ing risk. DETAILED BELOW 
  • The address search field has been merged with the direction card to im prove the visibility of the map when planning navigation. 

Dispatch App: FLRA Management with “Hazard reports

Dispatch App:

  • Dispatchers will now be notified immediately when a jobsite hazard is reported

Customer App: FLRA Hazard Notifications

Customer App Notifications: 

  • The first time a driver indicates that there is a hazard on the jobsite, the custom er and dispatcher will be notified by a chat message. 
  • When a subsequent driver indicates that the hazard is no longer present, an “All  clear” chat message will be sent.

Driver App: FLRA Covid Reminder

Warning Content: 

  • “STOP THE SPREAD: Face covering, hand washing, and social distancing all  reduce the spread of Covid-19” 

Version 1.68

New Features

Dispatch App: 

  • When using the “Ticket export” feature, the XLSX spreadsheet will  include an additional sheet that contains the FLRA answers entered by  drivers for each of the tickets. 

Customer App: 

  • When placing orders, the default time in the field will be 12am to elimi nate the accidental placing of orders at 7am which goes unnoticed. • When drivers indicate a hazard on their FLRA, a push notification will  be sent within the order chat channel. 

Driver App: 

  • FLRA dialogs now include a Covid warning to remind drivers of the  continuing risk. 
  • The address search field has been merged with the direction card to  improve the visibility of the map when planning navigation. 

Version 1.66

New Features

Dispatch App: 

  • Dispatch to truck messaging 
  • Dispatchers can export and share tickets as XLS and PDF via text  and email 
  • Order requests are now accompanied by a chime 
  • Driver admin table now includes the current installed app version 

Customer App: 

  • Improved overnight pouring logic 

Driver App: 

  • Reading and responding to dispatcher messages 

Exporting and Sharing Tickets

The export feature is available in three locations: the Orders Overview screen, the  order schedule table, and individual tickets. Dispatchers have a several options  when selecting which tickets to export: all tickets requiring review, individaual  tickets , and all tickets that are currently displayed.

Exporting different formats

After selecting which tickets will be exported, users have the option of selecting  whether they prefer PDF ticket format or XLS table. For internal use, XLS tables  may be preferable and if the tickets are being sent to customers, PDF may be  ideal. The new XLS tables will also display customer comments, driver comments,  and wait time in minutes (begin pouring time – On site time).

Downloading Exports vs Sharing

When a dispatch app user has chose which tickets to send and in what format,  the decision can be made to either download directly or to “Share”. Sharing can  be done by either email or text message.

Dispatcher-to-Truck Messaging: Dispatcher

In the “Truck messages” feature dispatch app users can now create multiple  choice messages to send to one or multiple drivers.  

After entering a custom message, dispatchers can specify 1-4 custom responses  for drivers to choose from. The default value of option 1 will always be “OK” for  instances when no response is necessary, and all that is needed is a record of  the driver’s acknowlegement.  

Driver’s responses will populate the “Truck messages” table for drivers to answer  and will stay active for 12 hours.

Dispatcher-to-Truck Messaging: Driver

Drivers will now have a “Messages” icon and screen where they can access the  messages sent by dispatch users.  

Incoming message will trigger a repeating chime to play until the driver has read  the message.  

The tablet will not receive any messages or play the chime if the truck starts mov ing over 5 mph, and will only resume after the truck has dropped below 5 mph for  60 seconds.

Version 1.64

New Features

Dispatch App:
• Download tickets as PDF file (example below)
• Dispatchers can create orders within ConcreteDirect. (example below)
• Canceled tickets can be reinstated within 90 minutes.
• Incoming order editing now includes address pin dropping (example
• Additives will be shown on the ticket/payload level
Customer App:
• Ticketed payloads will be shown in customer app again.

Downloading Tickets

From the e-ticket, click on the the “download” icon. Then select whether you
would like to export the single ticket or every tikect from that order and execute
by clicking “Download.

Creating Orders

To create an order in ConcreteDirect, select the “Create order” button from the
main navigation bar. After you’ve enter the “Ordered by” information you’ll be
provided with a blank order form. You can now create a single or multiple orders
withing the ConcreteDirect app.

Also pictured is the new location selector which allows locations to be specified in
the absence of a valid address.

Version 1.62

Customer App

Paperless Icon

Several changes have been made to the Order Details screen:

Jump-To-Date Navigation

E-tickets will now display both the cumulative total batched for that specific truck as well as the total batched for the entire order.

Bulk Order to Multiple Delivery Addresses

On, customers can now view their order details by clicking directly on the order tile:


Jobsites and orders can now be paperless. 

This means that all jobsite and order data is  stored in the app.  

All orders marked as “paperless” will have a  green leaf icon.  

Delivery tickets for paperless orders will not  print from Command Batch. 

Delivery-Days Calendar

Calendar View Of Orders 

The calendar view of your visible orders  allows you to see on what days you have  orders scheduled and quickly navigates to the  desired date. 

Bulk Ordering

Bulk Ordering for Multiple Jobsites and Addresses 

Customers can now use the Bulk Order feature on to place orders on multiple  jobsite contracts at one time. 

Dispatch App

Field Level Risk Assessment

Viewing the FLRA 

Drivers can now use their tablets to document their Field Level Risk Assessments.  

The FLRA filled out by drivers will appear in the dispatch app on each delivery ticket as well as  the PDFs generated by ConcreteDirect.

The FLRA element on each ticket has four states: 

  1. The driver has not completed the FLRA and there are no  

unresolved hazards. 

  1. The driver has not completed the FLRA but other drivers  

have indicated hazards on the jobsite. 

  1. The driver has completed the FLRA and there are no  


  1. The driver has completed the FLRA and indicated haz 

ards on the jobsite.

Paperless Jobsites and Orders

Paperless Orders 

Dispatchers can now mark any order as “Paperless” by toggling the green leaf icon. When an order is paperless, the batch system printer driver will not print a delivery ticket.  

Both Driver and Customer apps will indicated that an order is paperless and they should  not expect to receive a paper ticket. 

If an entire jobsite or company would like to go paperless, the new “Jobsites” administra tion screen can be used to designate their paperless status. 

The “Jobsites” administration page is found by clicking the “Administration” icon in the top  right corner of the window…

Then selecting the “Jobsites” tab from the menu on the left underneath “Jobsite contacts”  and “Drivers”.

FOB Order in ConcreteDirect

FOB orders will now display in ConcreteDirect apps. 

The Delivery Method within th eorder should remain as FO (FOB), to make sure taxes  are applied correctly in SAP, and the Schedule must contain Truck Spacing and Unload  Times.  

This will cause the FOB orders to populate on the Truck Demand Graphs but the impact  can be minimized by manipulating the schedule data values. 

For tickets to appear on the CD Customer App the ticket must capture “Load” status –  most batching systems will auto populate this field.

Driver App

Field Level Risk Assessment



Confirm Delivery

Version 1.60

Customer App

New Display Of Payloads

Several changes have been made to the Order Details screen:

  •  The customer truck list will now be displayed under a single header, sorted by “Total batched”. 
  • Both Delivered and undelivered trucks will be stationary in their position in the list.
  • The ETA will be displayed as a countdown: “In 30 minutes”
  • Delivered truck icons will be a checkmark.

Display Of Cumulative Batched

E-tickets will now display both the cumulative total batched for that specific truck as well as the total batched for the entire order.

Customer Web App: Order Details

On, customers can now view their order details by clicking directly on the order tile:

Driver App

Additive Quick-Selections

To aid drivers in recording additions made to the load, the following “Quick Selection Chips” have been added to the Driver Comments feature:

Now when a driver wants to indicate that charges for Super P, Waste, or Wait time should be added to the ticket, they can tap the “Quick Selection Chip” for that product and then fill in the details. 

For Super P and Waste, which have whole unit increments, a driver can add multiple chips and they will be summed up when saved. In the example above, two gallons of Super P were added to the load and the driver has added two Super P chips. When he saves his comment, anyone viewing the driver comments will see that 2 gallons of Super P have been added. 


Supporting details such as “what brand” of additive or “how much wait time should be charged for” can be added by text.


Display Of Cumulative Batched


E-tickets will now display both the cumulative total batched for that specific truck as well as the total batched for the entire order. 


Drivers will now be able to inform customers without the app, how many yards have been batched on an order.

QR Code Ticket Sharing

There are two major changes to the truck QR codes:

  1. The QR Codes feature in the driver apps will point to only the PDF ticket that the truck is currently assigned to, as opposed to a PDF with the entire order’s tickets.
  2. Every truck in the ConcreteDirect system now has a dedicated QR Code that will be distributed to the regions by the CD team. This QR code will be provided in high resolution PNG image format and can be printed in the office or sent out to a printing service to be used as decals or stickers. Each region may decide where to display the QR code based on their privacy concerns. Some possibilities are on the inside of doors, the outside of doors, printed and laminated, or on business cards. As an example, staging truck number 200’s QR code can be seen below:

Dispatch App

“Start Load” = Batch End Time

In all of Canada, the time stamp populating the “Start Load” field will be the “end batch time” produced by Command.


Same Day Invoicing

If a driver has added comments to a delivery ticket, then in ConcreteDirect that order will assume the “For Review” status when the order is completed in Command. 



To resolve the “For review” status of an order and progress it to “Completed”, a Dispatch App user must visit that order’s screen and check the “Reviewed” box next to each ticket with comments. 

As a result, when an order in ConcreteDirect is “Completed”, the gatekeepers and dispatchers can be confident that all additional comments and charges from the tickets have been addressed. There is now no need to wait until paper tickets are available to send an invoice for an order.


Editing Order Requests 

Before an order request is pushed to Command it can now be edited by a dispatcher. All order fields except “Customer” can be changed by a dispatcher and then saved by selecting the “Update Order” in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Accepting Order Requests

When a dispatcher is finished reviewing the details of an order request they can “Accept” or “Remove” the order. “Accepting” the order results in it being sent to Command and “Removing” the order results in it’s cancelation. This language has replaced the former “Send to command” button.

Canceling “Waiting for command” order requests

Now, if a dispatcher decides to cancel an order before it has been accepted on the Command side, or if an order is “stuck” due to credit hold, they can now “Decline” the order which will result in it’s cancelation.

QR Code Ticket Sharing

Every truck in the ConcreteDirect system now has a dedicated QR Code that will be distributed to the regions by the CD team. This QR code will be provided in high resolution PNG image format and can be printed in the office or sent out to a printing service to be used as decals or stickers. Each region may decide where to display the QR code based on their privacy concerns. Some possibilities are on the inside of doors, the outside of doors, printed and laminated, or on business cards. As an example, staging truck number 200’s QR code can be seen below:


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  • Version 1.69
  • Version 1.68
  • Version 1.66
  • Version 1.64
  • Version 1.62
  • Version 1.60